Negativity bias

We’ve all heard the story (neuroscience!) that says that somehow our brain is made to always see the negative more impactful than the positive things of our days, and in fact that’s how we end up seeing our life. But it never ceases to surprise me how deeply and unnoticed it settles in our lives. … Read more

Mindset. Fixed mindset. Growth mindset

One way or the other you probably bumped into discussion on mindset. We all did. I still wonder if those who talk about it really have the same understanding of what mindset means.  A mindset is an established set of attitudes of a person concerning culture, values, philosophy, frame of mind, outlook, and disposition.  It may … Read more

How to overcome any doubt

We all doubt sometimes, we all wonder if we will succeed, if we are good enough, smart, beautiful ready. At times it is even constructive. As long as this makes us want to be better, be smarter, more beautiful and better prepared it’s all good. But what do we do when doubt plays in the … Read more

Intentionally imbalanced

Whether it’s personal life vs. professional, or the management of our time, balance seems to be thatgoal towards which we all aim. It must be ideal, round, perfect, stable, repetitive, clear, simple, make ushappy, and if it can come by itself, right? I don’t believe in balance, at least not in THAT ideal balance between … Read more

Psychologist or Coach, what do they do and witch one you need at this moment?

The question comes naturally and is justified, the border between the two professions can sometimes seem quite fine or unclear for many. The psychologist is a professional who focuses and analyzes the happenings from your past that brought you to the present situation. Psychology, as a form of therapy, deals especially with a person’s past … Read more

Blue Monday

Blue Monday is the name given to a day in January (usually the third Monday of the month) declared by a travel company to be the most depressing day of the year. The concept was published sometime around 2005 and it seems that the date was calculated using a rather mathematical “equation” based on meteorological … Read more