Ingrid Kovacs

Certified trainer | Life coach | Communication Expert

Who am I?

Hi, I’m Ingrid, and ever since I’ve remembered I’ve believed that life is more than everything we “have to do”.

For many years I didn’t know why, and I just refused to accept that something is not possible… that you can’t work 3 jobs, just to be independent at 19, that you can’t make choices in life just because you wish so, that you can’t live in a country where you can’t even understand “hello” without a dictionary, that you can’t lead a team of men, you can’t make a career in a corporate environment without losing yourself… and the list can go on.

Yes you can! Knocking down one “you can’t” after another, I became more and more curious to understand the magic of “yes, you can” and what enables people to allow themselves to dream, to achieve their smallest and most important goals.

It took a lot of work and study to understand, beyond coincidences and good luck, what is truly behind success in life.

Coaching courses and schools, Training, Dream Management, Communication, Organizational Development, Public Speaking, and a few others helped me along the way, although they sound a bit pompous, they all served the same purpose: HOW can you build a life the authenticity in which YOU are happy and fulfilled, and how can I HELP YOU on the way.

On this path I understood how important becomes WHAT and HOW we communicate. How we communicate with ourselves and with others during our journey, how vital it is to do it intentionally and consciously.

The aspect of communication is often underestimated, although it often makes that key difference between being or not being understood. No matter how good of a professional you are, you will always only be as good as your communication is. Your communication skills will be decisive in your career and personal life.

All this, together with project management and time management experience, led me to develop the concept of self-management and personal life planning – through which you can not only define the life you want, but also create a plan step by step which you can implement, and you, unlike me in the past, can choose not to be alone on your journey.

“The magic of yes you can” is applicable to any area of ​​your life, whether you have a business idea, career dilemmas, you need a better organization of your time and life, or you simply want to work on your personal development to become the best version yourself. It’s not really Magic.  On your journey we will rely more on science, on tools and techniques researched and proven by all those who have been studying and applying them for years.

On my own journey I also learned that life is not only numbers and lists, there is also creativity! I admit, I still have more to learn there, so if you have questions, ambitions oriented towards the artistic area, our friend Oana Cernea, a true artist at soul and screenwriter by profession is with us to help you on your path, towards a world where art it is the living thread that sets things in motion.

I attended courses and schools of Life Coaching, Training, Self Management and a few others that, although they may sound fancy, they are all focused on the same thing – HOW can you achieve your goals and how can I HELP YOU on the way.

The Magic always needs a team!

We can’t do anything in your place, but we can team up with you, because everything is easier when you don’t feel alone, when you have help, encouragement and people who believe in you. We know from experience what a difference can make a friendly reminder, an encouragement at a critical time, or a clarification of direction sometimes. But sometimes you need information, real tools and professional techniques on your path to the most fulfilled version of you.

For the same reasons, the Personal Development Center for adults and teenagers is more than a one man show, we are a small team, but dedicated to continuous personal development, starting with us in the first place. We all went through, and still, we go through life with a sometimes difficult, sometimes easy, but always necessary self-awareness.

We have Trix, a truly unique and efficient figure as unusual as she is. She is the one who helps us SOMEHOW put our magic into real life practice, to keep moving and to develop our activities.
She is an authentic example of “well, yes you can”, because everything she is today, is the result of many years of experience in very different fields, she is the living proof that success and happiness does not rely necessarily on formal experience or education systems. A true interpreter, she is able to translate between cultures, languages, and different thought patterns. She is currently dealing with a multitude of things, and most importantly, she is always available to offer very well-thought-out and intentional guidance, always grounded and close to reality.

Andrea is the one that even Trix asks, when it comes to “outside the box” thinking related to SEO. Andrea is our authentic, digital White Hat. Even though we get to see her live no more than 3 times a year, with 7 reschedules… fortunately she is online and always active for us.

I mentioned Oana before. The true artist, blessed with a lot of patience and authentic vision. We all consider ourselves lucky for the fact that we can even call her our friend, and in case of need she always responds positively to our requests.

I am lucky to be able to focus on what I do best, while having specialists in my team. They are the ones who ensure that our message reaches those who can benefit from the Personal Development Center for adults and teenagers, they ask the right questions to translate mountains of professional information into an efficient and easy-to-understand communication, exactly for those who we can help them the most.

They are also the ones who know how to translate all the information and creativity into a Google language, so that those we don’t know yet can reach us easily, and when things start losing sense, we have our own reminder that we have vital need for creativity and art, not for the sake of efficiency, but only for the joy of art. Together we make a great team and grow with each step, together with you!

Let’s go!

What’s your goal?

The magic of “yes it is possible” is applicable to any area of ​​your life, whether you have a business idea, career dilemmas, the need for a better organization of your time and life or you simply want to work on your personal growth to reach the best version of you.

And you, unlike me in the past and many others in the present, can choose not to be alone on your way.

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